The 2nd of the long days’ drivs to get me to Sorrento. Hopefully being met as I roll up by my Brother, Sister, and whichever of their broods will be there. This is a high speed blast to get me from Bologna to Sorrento which I am expecting to reach sometime around 4PM. 382 Miles bringing the total so far to 1947 Miles.
I was up late as I’d overslept. I set off on my way South along the Autostrada Del Sol. Although Elsie (the Satnav) warned of major delays because of roadworks, they never amounted to more than a few seconds. I needed to fill up near Florence and got a shock at £2 a litre. Luckily only 24 litres was put in and when I filled up later in the day, the price was a lot less. I arrived at Sorrento at about 4.15 and then struggled to find somewhere to park. In the end I parked outside the hotel and was told where the parking was. The daily mileage was 384 which brought me up to 1886. After a shower I met the rest of the mob at the Ristorante Basilica