Swiss Chris Animals - Bonnie & Buster
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Bonnie having been orphaned at birth had a lot of things going against her. But she ended up in the right place with Buster acting as her elder brother to try and keep her on the straight and narrow.
The arrival of orphan Bon.
  Even as a puppy she did enjoy the very occasional drop of Guinness and cups of tea. In her old age she insisted on tea out of her own cup. And woe and betide you if it was late.
  In the last couple of years of her life, she suffered from diabetes. An illness which finally carried her off at the ripe old age of 13 ½
  She used to enjoy her days out. From the first as a puppy to Folkestone, to the last on the Isle Of Sheppey. Although she was a nightmare in the car as she always wanted to see what was going on. And if there was another dog about, she used to want them for lunch. It didn’t matter how big they were, she wanted .
  She used to love her food, and enjoyed barbeques even right up until the end. Here she is, just a couple of weeks before she passed away, wanting to know if it was ready yet.
  She used to love it when I went round there, because in her eyes, I’d only gone there just to see HER.
From snoring to “He’s Here, He’s come to ME. Where is he? I want to greet him properly.” Used to take 5 seconds. She’d then spend most of the weekend with me. Apart that is unless she wanted food or a cup of tea.
This will do me. I'm comfortable, I've got a nice warm, bed, and I've got my toys around me.
Dreaming of the sea side
Her favourite stair. She'd always sit there waiting for one of HER friends if she knew there were coming.
Photograph by Linda Anderson and used by permission. Text by Chris Rohrer. First published 2008
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